A HEALTHY Way Of Living
Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.
Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”—it’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally, learning the habits of healthy eating can improve your health by boosting your energy, sharpening your memory and stabilizing your mood. Expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, healthy diet.
Intestinal disorders can occur anywhere along the length of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. The process of breaking down food begins in the mouth and continues in the stomach and small intestine. The small intestine is also where the body absorbs nutrients. The large intestine runs from the small intestine to the anus and is also responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water.
What causes the pain in Tooth Sensitivity ?
Sensitive teeth has become one of the most common teeth problems as people keep their original teeth longer. Gums are receding by age exposing the tooth below the gumline where dentin is covered by cementum that is much softer than the enamel of the tooth crown.Abnormal discharge from vagina or penis
Symptoms and indications: Early symptoms include enlargement of lymph glands and spleen, fever, fatigue, bruising and bleeding easily, Thrush-type infections, diarrhoea and weight loss, dermatitis and respiratory illnesses. Later, a person develops further serious infections or cancers.
Simply put, the so-called condition refers to an instance when a woman's muscles in the vagina clamp down on a man's penis so firmly that they lock inseparably in sexual intercourse.
Penis captivus is said to be common among animals (such as dogs), but not humans. The so-called condition may have a "largely hearsay" existence in medical history but is "not entirely mythical," a study by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) showed.
"Such a reaction cannot be dismissed offhand as impossible. It is theoretically quite possible. Yet it does not seem to have occurred in the past 100 years or so," BMJ said in the study, which was released in 1979.
BMJ continued, "If there had been, during that time, a case of penis captivus that needed medical intervention or admission to hospital it would have been eagerly reported in a medical journal with as much detail and evidence as possible. It is in the absence of any such reports which suggests that penis captivus is not only a rare but also a relatively transient symptom with consequences that are less than sensational than those fabricated by rumor."
Teen Sexual Activity Facts
Remember freedom of choice about sex also includes saying No to sex. All the listed facts send out only one message - girls in their teens should say No to sex.
1. Four in ten girls who had their first intercourse at the age of 13 or 14 years reported that it was either forced or non-voluntary or unwanted.
2. By 15 years about 13% of teens have had sexual intercourse.
3. By the time they reach 19 years 7 out of 10 teens have had sexual intercourse at least once.
4. The chance of becoming pregnant within a year if not using a condom is much higher (90%) among the teens than others.
1. The most common brain tumors are cancers from other parts of the body (e.g. lung, breast, colon or prostate) that spreads to the brain.
2. Primary brain tumors originate in the brain and there are over 126 such tumors listed by WHO.
BRAIN CANCER : a story and a patient....
Hometown: Born in Kitchener Ontario but now I call Calgary Home
What school did/do you attend? University of Waterloo
Do you work? Currently on treatment -- hopefully returning to work Spring 2011
What is your career goal(s)? To be able to return to my former position as a Director at the University of Calgary
How did you find out you were sick? What event(s) led to the diagnosis?
In Fall of 2008 I fell into a very apathetic depression. Wasn’t interested in doing anything other than watching TV. However I thought it was something to do with my motivation, so I started seeing a counselor and a personal trainer to re-energize. In February 2009, I started getting mild headaches which was odd for me, as I never get headaches. In fact a colleague actually told me that I should monitor them because she thought it was so strange that I was complaining of headache. But I wasn’t eating well and stress at work was high, so I figured it was lifestyle rather than something more serious. Additionally I started having some dizziness that was most prevalent when I was skiing. One day when skiing I came off the chair lift and complained to my boyfriend that I had vertigo. Visibility was poor and we were about to attempt a steep hill and he knew I was nervous. We both assumed that my “vertigo” was more in mind trying to make an excuse on why I shouldn’t try the steep terrain rather than a true dizzy spell. He encouraged me to focus on my turns and away we went.
Breast Cancer
I may have breast cancer, what questions should I ask my doctor?
If you have received a positive or possible diagnosis of breast cancer, there are a number of questions that you can ask your doctor. The answers you receive to these questions should give you a better understanding of your specific diagnosis and the corresponding treatment. It is usually helpful to write your questions down before you meet with your health-care provider. This gives you the opportunity to ask all your questions in an organized fashion.Each question is followed by a brief explanation as to why that particular question is important. We will not attempt to answer these questions in detail here because each individual case is just that, individual. This outline is designed to provide a framework to help you and your family make certain that most of the important questions in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment have been addressed. As cancer treatments are constantly evolving, specific recommendations and treatments might change and you should always confer with your treatment team regarding any questions.
| There are many eye related problems and defects of the eye, the main few are briefly discussed below: Myopia: (nearsightedness) This is a defect of vision in which far objects appear blurred but near objects are seen clearly. The image is focused in front of the retina rather than on it usually because the eyeball is too long or the refractive power of the eye’s lens too strong. Myopia can be corrected by wearing glasses/contacts with concave lenses these help to focus the image on the retina. Hyperopia: (farsightedness) This is a defect of vision in which there is difficulty with near vision but far objects can be seen easily. |
For Women
Women and men have many of the same health problems, but they can affect women differently. For example, women may have different symptoms of heart disease. Some diseases or conditions are more common in women, such as osteoarthritis, obesity and depression. And some conditions, such as menopause and pregnancy, are unique to women.
Vagina Examintaion
Here's How:
- You will need a strong light such as a flashlight, a mirror, a vaginal lubricant, antiseptic soap or alcohol, and a plastic speculum (get a speculum from a pharmacy that sells medical supplies).
- Find a place to relax.
Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease occurs when one suffers from gradual and usually permanent loss of kidney function over time. This happens gradually, usually months to years. Chronic kidney disease is divided into five stages of increasing severity (see Table 1 below). The term "renal" refers to the kidney, so another name for kidney failure is "renal failure." Mild kidney disease is often called renal insufficiency.
With loss of kidney function, there is an accumulation of water; waste; and toxic substances, in the body, that are normally excreted by the kidney. Loss of kidney function also causes other problems such as anemia, high blood pressure, acidosis (excessive acidity of body fluids), disorders of cholesterol and fatty acids, and bone disease.
Stage 5 chronic kidney disease is also referred to as kidney failure, end-stage kidney disease, or end-stage renal disease, wherein there is total or near-total loss of kidney function. There is dangerous accumulation of water, waste, and toxic substances, and most individuals in this stage of kidney disease need dialysis or transplantation to stay alive.
Unlike chronic kidney disease, acute kidney failure develops rapidly, over days or weeks.
- Acute kidney failure usually develops in response to a disorder that directly affects the kidney, its blood supply, or urine flow from it.
- Acute kidney failure is often reversible, with complete recovery of kidney function.
Men's Health Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer forms in a man's testicles, the two egg-shaped glands that produce sperm and testosterone. Testicular cancer mainly affects young men between the ages of 20 and 39.
WHAT is a Varicocele in Men
You've heard of varicose veins — those swollen veins that sometimes show up in the legs. You've probably heard your grandma and her old lady friends talking about their varicose veins and never thought twice about them.
But hopefully you've never heard your grandma mention a varicocele, which is also a swelling of the veins. A varicocele happens just to guys, and you probably won't sit around and talk about it with your pals. That's because it occurs not in the legs but in a place a bit more private and a lot more tender — the scrotum. It's generally harmless and basically the same kind of thing as varicose veins in the legs. But what exactly is a varicocele and how do you get rid of it?
What Is a Varicocele?
In all guys, there's a structure that contains arteries, veins, nerves, and tubes — called the spermatic cord — that provides a connection and circulates blood to and from the testicles. Veins carry the blood flowing from the body back toward the heart, and a bunch of valves in the veins keep the blood flowing one way and stop it from flowing backward. In other words, the valves regulate your blood flow and make sure everything is flowing in the right direction.
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